Sunday, December 1, 2019

What is foundation ? purposes of Foundation and factor effects on Foundation

Many structures like dams, bridges, buildings, roads, etc are created by civil engineers to serve our numerous necessities. Structures apply load on soil on which they rest.
This part of the structure is called sub-structure. Sub-structure is usually called foundation. Thus structural elements that connect, bridges, buildings etc. to the ground are called foundations.
Foundation of any structure is incredibly necessary as a result of the safety and reliability of structure depends upon foundation.

“The lowest part of a structure which transfers a load of superstructure along with its own weight into the soil underneath without carrying shear failure or bearing capacity failure and excessive settlement is called foundation.”

The following are the main functions of the foundation:

• To distribute the load of the structure over a large bearing area to bring the intensity of loading within the safe bearing capacity.
• To load the bearing surface at a uniform rate ( prevent unequal settlement)
• To prevent the lateral movement ( caused by wind, water or earth quick)
• To increase the stability of the building as a whole.

The requirement of a good foundation:

• Foundation should be located that it is able to resist any unexpected future influence which may adversely affect its performance.
• The foundation should be stale against any possible failure.
• The foundation should not settle or deflect.

Factor affecting the selection of foundation:

• Importance of the Building
• Life of the Structure
• Loads from superstructure
• Type of construction materials to be used.
• Water table level.
• Type of adjoining structure.
• Soil condition.
• Location of building

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Waheed johar is a Civil Engineer and has experience in Civil Engineering. He is an Author and Editor of

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